I'm not always right!

I’m really not. But man…do I think I am sometimes. I feel the redness in my neck when I am being challenged or when I cannot clearly articulate my point. Then I think about it a little later (sometimes in the middle of the night) and I have the perfect response that could have changed everyone’s mind.

I have to let go of that. I know my sister is probably reading this going, “uh huh.” Because I can be difficult and want to get my way, especially with family. Stop rolling your eyes, sisi!

Time for those active listening skills to shine through. Time to breath and make sure I’m not only hearing my voice to hear my voice. Time to decide what is the cost of me being right about this. Am I silencing someone? Either now or in the future?

I don’t want to prove myself too right about being not right…so I’ll stop it there.